「The Noise Birds」 - The Dark Sea Hides a Bright Light- Riot Season Records / REPOSELP 089 2020年3月20日発表 42分 (12インチLP) 2,300円 |
![]() <A 面> 1. When The Light Showers Down It Gives Us A Sign (10:03) 2. Beyond The Ocean, Flying In the Sky (11:01) <B 面> 1. A Dance Loved By A Lost Friend (20:56) レーベル / Riot Season Records 録音 / 2018年5月8日 San Francisco エンジニアリング / Mike Shoun & Mason Jones ミックス / Mason Jones 演奏者 g,vo,Bells 紅ぴらこ g, 影男 g, Mason Jones drs, Mike Shoun |
水晶の舟とNuminous Eye の合体バンド 「The Noise Birds 」のアルバム。 バンド名 The Noise Birds は、日本の鳥、アメリカの鳥がお互いの国を飛び交う渡り鳥に例えて名づけた。2018年5月にサンフランシスコのスタジオで録音(一発録り)されたアルバム。 3本のギターとドラムによるインプロビゼーション・インストゥルメンタルミュージック。 即興による会話や風景を奏でるThe Noise Birdsの音楽を楽しんで! メンバーは4人。 Mason(g)、 Mike(drs) San Francisco在住。 Kageo(g)、Pirako(g) 東京在住。 メーソンとマイクとは15年来のつきあい。 その間、彼らとアメリカツアーや東京・関西ツアーを一緒に回った。 <過去の作品> コラボアルバム「Suishou No Fune(Pirako,Kageo) & Numinous Eye(Mason, Mike)」Essence Music(ブラジル)2013年 https://www.essence-music.com/releases/black-flowers-of-the-forest-in-the-cosmos-boxset/ 紅ぴらこ ........................................................................................................................................................ Back in 2007, the Tokyo-based duo known as Suishou no Fune visited San Francisco, and during their stay participated in a recording session with old friends Mason Jones and Mike Shoun, who were operating under the name Numinous Eye. That session was released in a very small edition several years later by the Essence Music label from Brazil as "Black Flowers Of The Forest In The Cosmos". When Suishou no Fune were planning their latest trip to San Francisco in May of 2018, as part of filming for a documentary, plans were made for a follow-up recording. The quartet crammed themselves into a small rehearsal space, along with two guests who filmed the proceedings, and spent the afternoon creating dark, heavy psychedelic atmospheres. Pirako and Kageo, on high-end and low-end guitar respectively, have an uncanny way of melding inner-space psychedelic drone with free-form guitar lines and spiritual sonic flow. Suishou no Fune has been a key part of Japan's scene for two decades now, playing as a duo as well as in extended format with drums and bass. San Francisco's Numinous Eye, started by guitarist Mason Jones after parting ways with his previous band SubArachnoid Space, has released a string of albums bridging noise-drone with psychedelic rock. Prime collaborator Mike Shoun, on drums and synthesizers, has also played with Thee Oh Sees, Peacers, and many others. Noise Birds, as a trio of guitars driven by drums, demonstrates a cohesive vision and melding of minds as the layers of sound shift around each other. Improvised together on the spot, these songs ebb and flow as the players communicate without words, focused on working together with the goal of taking the music as far in, and out, as possible. This is music as speech, as collaboration, as friends coming together across an ocean to express themselves as one, presented here for everyone else to hear and enjoy. For fans of : Suishou no Fune, Bardo Pond, Kousokuya, Fushitsusha, Carlton Melton, Les Rallizes Denudes etc Riot Season Records https://riotseasonrecords.bandcamp.com/ |
水晶の舟のライブの時にも会場ににて御求めになれますので御声をおかけ下さい。 メールでの御注文と御問合せは此方より御願い致します。 日本国内では以下のショップにて取り扱いをしております。 黒猫茶房 (阿佐ヶ谷) http://kuronekosabou.com/ 芽瑠璃堂 https://merurido.jp/ TOWER RECORDS https://tower.jp/ HMV LOHACO https://lohaco.jp/ また、海外からの御取り寄せは。 Riot Season Records -U.K Norman Records - U.K Piccadilly Records - U.K Juno.Records - U.K Banquet Records - U.K Rough Trade - U.K Beartree Records - U.K Shiny Beast - Netherlands deejay.de vinyl mag - Germany ディストリビューションを通して Southern Record Distributors - U.K Forced Exposure - U.S.A Konkurrent Onafhankelijk Muziekbedrijf - Netherlands Cargo Records - Germany Sound Effect Records - Greece Shiny Beast - Netherlands etc |