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「届かぬ底へ石を投げる」 - I Throw A Stone Into The Endless Depths - Sloow Tapes/Mutsuki 2007年1月23日リリース 62分38秒 カセットテープ |
![]() 1. おまえの瞳の泉 (19:31) 2. 届かぬ底まで (10:38) 3. みんな砂になる (32:19) 上の曲をクリックすると試聴が出来ます。 プロデュース Sloow Tapes アート Sloow Tapes 翻訳協力 Bloom 録音 U.F.O.Club (2005年) 無力無善寺 (2004年) 演奏者 g,vo 紅ぴらこ g,vo 影男 dr テール |
2007年1月に、単独作としては5thとなる作品が、ベルギー(!)のテープ専門レーベルSloow tapesより「I throw a stone into the endless depths」として150部の限定でリリースされた。 ケースは黒く、カセットは銀色に塗りつぶされ、ジャケットは全てハンドメイドで歌詞カード付き。 まさに水晶の舟の音世界を視覚化したかのような素晴らしくも愛情溢れる意匠には思わずフェティッシュをそそられる。 ここでのピラコのヴォーカルはフェミニンかつ哀切な調べを湛えながら、空間を切り裂いていく。 そこに寄り添う白昼夢の凪を思わせる影男のギターは、時に不穏なまでの凶暴さをむき出しにする。 全曲で聴くことのできる南部輝久の緩急わきまえたドラムも全体に素晴らしいスケール感を与えている。 ことに圧巻はsideBに収録された3曲目、全編フリーインプロの「みんな砂になる」。 30分以上にも及ぶこの大作をとにかく聴いてみて欲しい。 テープ作品ながらトータル60分以上で届けられたヴォリュームを持つこの作品は、彼らのライブを追体験できる素晴らしい仕上がりとなっている。 (松田 康・G-Modern 27号より) Edition of 150 copies in heavy silk-screened fold-out cover, this new cassette album from decadent Tokyo black-psych trio Susihou No Fune is an absolute beauty. This tape somehow manages to reconcile all of the drama and ritual energy of The Doors with the trips and trauma feel of prime Rallizes and the sensation of floating solitary in the void. The vocals are as blasted as ever and the guitars nudge the whole thing into the kind of sublime super-charged psychedelic simultaneity that makes every smeared nod and delayed whisper feel seismic. (volcanic tongue / U.K) http://www.volcanictongue.com/ Damaged Japanese psychedelic acid guitar freak-outs bringing early Fushitsusha down with laid-back spacious dreamy Miminokoto and LSD March melodies, all descending into a lonesome blues abyss. Heavy silkscreened fold-out cover and lyric sheets, total black edition of 150 copies. (Second Layer Records / U.K) http://www.secondlayer.co.uk/default.asp http://www.secondlayer.co.uk/index/p3642.htm I was pretty excited to hear that the latest instalment in the Sloow tapes series was by this band as I loved their self-titled cd from a year or so back. Slow-burning strung-out psych ballads and Mazzacane-Conors style abstract blues with a heavy dose of classic Japanese-psych distortion. Highly recommended. (Boa Melody Bar / U.K) http://www.apexonline.com/melodybar/ In het mooie Japandossier dat laatst op deze site verscheen had ik het in een artikel over Les Rallizes Denudes en de immense feedback saga die ze achterlieten. Feedback tot kunst verheven. Het is dan ook geen wonder dat andere Japanners zich voor hun inspiratie tot die legendarische groep wenden. Van High Rise tot Fushitsusha en Mainliner, de bron is tot op heden rijkelijk gevuld. Suishou No Fune behoort tot de laatste lichting Les Rallizes-erfgenamen, een stuk minder vilein dan Fushitsusha en ongestructureerder dan High Rise en Mainliner, Suishou No Fune gaat voor de algehele sfeer en die sfeer gaat altijd voor Het Liedje. Episch en mysterieus, een beetje zoals de geschiedenis van hun vaderland Japan. Deze cassette uitgebracht op het Belgische Sloow Tapes bevat drie nummers waarvan de eerste de prachtige titel ‘I Descend into the Oasis of Your Eyes’ draagt. Gitaren die zwaar en echoend gestaag aan een langzame en onheilspellende opmars beginnen. Het klinkt een beetje als een slaapwandelende Glenn Branca die zwalkend door een enorme concertzaal zijn gitaren bespeelt. Het draait hier om de eerste plaats om het pure geluid van de gitaren en niet om een post-rockopbouw zoals je die misschien van Explosions in the Sky of Mogwai gewend bent. Hier telt niet de ontlading maar de suggestie van psychedelica, iets dat je op eender welk moment in het gitaargeluid hoort. En dat is een fascinerende luistertrip. Terwijl langzaam een basgitaar voor zwaartepunten zorgt sijpelen de galmende akkoorden van een gegeselde elektrische gitaar je onderbewustzijn binnen, het zorgt voor oneindige, panoramische uitzichten. De klapper van dit album is het laatste, half uur durende opus ‘Everything Turns into Sand’. Drums spelen een prominentere rol en ook de extatische vocalen van Pirako Kurenai dragen bij aan de ultieme spookpsychedelica van Suishou No Fune. Cassettes op Sloow Tapes zijn zoals gebruikelijk in de experimentele ondergrondse altijd gelimiteerd dus met elke minuut die je langer wacht met de aanschaf van I Throw A Stone Into the Endless Depths wordt de kans kleiner dat er een in je brievenbus valt. En dat is in dit geval erg zonde. (Kinda Muzik / Netherlands) http://www.kindamuzik.net/ ![]() That the latest full-length from Pirako Kurenai and Kageo’s Suishou No Fune is evocative Fushitsusha’s legendary ’89 double live album should be reason enough to seek this cassette out. Pirako and Kageo’s guitar playing is rousing throughout, drenched in reverb and creating complex melodies between their tangled lines. Kageo’s singing conveys an element of longing throughout the album, particularly during the second piece, Endless Descent, which is possessed by the ancient middle-eastern motifs that have haunted the best work of the Sun City Girls. The B-side is comprised of a single 30+ minute piece, Everything Will Turn to Sand, which is built upon a nice rich drone, explodes into free rapture and then brilliantly burns down into an eloquently ambiguous and unresolved finale. Unforgettable, and highly recommended. (The Z Gun / U.S.A) http://z-gun.org/ I can't afford to buy all the Sloow Tapes all the time (in a perfect world...) but there are some one just can't miss out on and a Suishou No Fune Sloow Tape is about twelve of those. If there's anything better than three Japanese longhairs getting in touch with their psychedelic side, it's when they're doing it on cassette...wrapped in a brain-blistering vintage Bart/Sloow fold-out extravaganza...with glossy (translated) lyric sheet included! It's the perfect stocking stuffer. Buy it now and save it for next Christmas, you'll truly touch someone's heart with it! If you ain't knowin', Suishou No Fune are a trio comprised of Pirako Kurenai (guitar/vocals), Kageo (guitar/vocals) and Jun Harada (drums). In the past they've been responsible for a bunch of CD-Rs a "real" self-titled CD and a disc on Holy Mountain by the name of "Where the Spirits Are", and now they've got a couple more on tap from well-to-do labels Blossoming Noise and Lotus Sound. Impressive and a real pain on the wallet. Like just about every Japanese psych group. Would you have it any other way? Naw."I Throw a Stone Into the Endless Depths" (don't we all?) is a c90 featuring three big shiny tunes - two on side A and the other on side B. As you can see, that's a whole lot of muzak. First tune is "I Descend into the Oasis of Your Eyes" (my eyes?) and is an awesome, incredibly drawn-out post-Rallizes, post-Fushitsusha guitar-driven psych cinerator. The lead guitar (not sure if it's Kurenai or Kageo) sounds like the burning cosmos itself splashed with gentle droplets of percussion. The singer (again, either Kurenai or Kageo) has the distant, languid Mizutani vocal delivery down to a virtual artform. The lyrics, though sung in Japanese, are a real treat when read in English. Sloppy and overdramatic and foolishly heart-rending - maybe I'm just a sucker. The remaining ten-ish minutes are devoted to "Endless Descent", a syrupy haven of bluesy glances like deteriorating Quicksilver Messenger Service bootlegs played at the wrong speed. It's a luminescent out-rock space crawl, haunted and charming.Side two is "Everything Will Turn to Sand?" in all its thirty-plus minutes o' glory. The first little while sounds almost like Keiji Haino leading the Vibracathedral Orchestra with a heavy aura of guitar and effects congealing together to form a dizzying drone, soon to be pounded on by a flummoxing unrhythm via Harada. Kurenai or Kageo or both then start up with very Haino-esque pained yelping. The song starts to sound more and more like a free jazz grapple with the drumming resembling Ronald Shannon Jackson in Last Exit 'cept instead of locking horns with Sharrock's bludgeoning spikes it's wading against the thick atmospheric current churned out by the two guitarists. The track drifts off with a totally great Arkestral galaxy ride, delivering you and me directly unto La La Land where we build cloud castles in our underwear.What else is there to say? If you're a fan of latter-day Japanese psych a la PSF's "Tokyo Flashback" compilations, bands like LSD-March, Miminokoto, Up-Tight, Yura Yura Teikoku, Kousokuya, Aural Fit and even Ghost, you basically need to own this. You could argue that your money would be better off put towards finally buying the first Fushitsusha double live on PSF or that Rallizes "Deeper Than the Night" LP on eBay, but in twenty years time this'll be one of those documents then. So it's yer roll of the dice bub. Personally I recommend this tape and I recommend it a lot. Still not sold out at source either, thought you'd better hurry. It's almost painfully ironic how faast Sloow Tapes sell out. Git! (Outer Space Gamelan) http://outerspacegamelan.blogspot.com/2007/03/suishou-no-fune-i-throw-stone-into.html Suishou No Fune are a Tokyo based psych trio who have been throwing for a few years, and have toured in the U.S. at least once, with another trip scheduled for spring 2007 to promote a new CD-R Akatsuki (maybe I should stop mentioning that format in a tape-only column). A powerful act to see live, Pirako Kurenai and Kageo's reverb saturated guitars cut across the spectrum from melodic slow burn to full-on Fushitsusha type blowout. They are joined on this outing by Jun Harada, a high-energy but responsive young gunner who knows how to both fall back and burst into chaotic fits. The best cut on this one takes up the entire B side, Everything Will Turn to Sand? In the tradition of the epic Japanese psych jam, this one has a hundred flare-ups and breakdowns, howling feedback, HUGE drums. Gorgeous In between the most raging moments, Pirako or Kageo will launch into echoing existentialist poetry about darkness, light, raw, death, love, hatred (to quote from the Myspace page). This one is sold out from Sloow Tapes, but you might be able to snag one on the forthcoming tour, through mail-order, or you could go bug them at the health food cafe they run in Tokyo. I Throw a Stone includes an insert with English translations and super cool black and silver screened fold-out art. (Cassette Gods) http://deathbombarc.com/cassettegods/ http://www.psfmm.com/ http://www.volcanictongue.com/ http://www.secondlayer.co.uk/default.asp http://www.apexonline.com/melodybar/ http://www.eclipse-records.com/ http://www.fusetronsound.com/index.html http://sloowtapes.blogspot.com/ |